* jquery.draggable
* https://github.com/ducksboard/gridster.js
* Copyright (c) 2012 ducksboard
* Licensed under the MIT licenses.
;(function(root, factory) {
'use strict';
if(typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('gridster-draggable', ['jquery'], factory);
} else {
root.GridsterDraggable = factory(root.$ || root.jQuery);
}(this, function($) {
'use strict';
var defaults = {
items: 'li',
distance: 1,
limit: {width: true, height: false},
offset_left: 0,
autoscroll: true,
ignore_dragging: ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON'], // or function
handle: null,
container_width: 0, // 0 == auto
move_element: true,
helper: false, // or 'clone'
remove_helper: true
// drag: function(e) {},
// start : function(e, ui) {},
// stop : function(e) {}
var $window = $(window);
var dir_map = { x : 'left', y : 'top' };
var isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window);
var capitalize = function(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
var idCounter = 0;
var uniqId = function() {
return ++idCounter + '';
* Basic drag implementation for DOM elements inside a container.
* Provide start/stop/drag callbacks.
* @class Draggable
* @param {HTMLElement} el The HTMLelement that contains all the widgets
* to be dragged.
* @param {Object} [options] An Object with all options you want to
* overwrite:
* @param {HTMLElement|String} [options.items] Define who will
* be the draggable items. Can be a CSS Selector String or a
* collection of HTMLElements.
* @param {Number} [options.distance] Distance in pixels after mousedown
* the mouse must move before dragging should start.
* @param {Boolean} [options.limit] Constrains dragging to the width of
* the container
* @param {Object|Function} [options.ignore_dragging] Array of node names
* that sould not trigger dragging, by default is `['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA',
* 'SELECT', 'BUTTON']`. If a function is used return true to ignore dragging.
* @param {offset_left} [options.offset_left] Offset added to the item
* that is being dragged.
* @param {Number} [options.drag] Executes a callback when the mouse is
* moved during the dragging.
* @param {Number} [options.start] Executes a callback when the drag
* starts.
* @param {Number} [options.stop] Executes a callback when the drag stops.
* @return {Object} Returns `el`.
* @constructor
function Draggable(el, options) {
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this.$document = $(document);
this.$container = $(el);
this.$scroll_container = this.options.scroll_container === window ?
$(window) : this.$container.closest(this.options.scroll_container);
this.is_dragging = false;
this.player_min_left = 0 + this.options.offset_left;
this.player_min_top = 0 + this.options.offset_top;
this.id = uniqId();
this.ns = '.gridster-draggable-' + this.id;
Draggable.defaults = defaults;
var fn = Draggable.prototype;
fn.init = function() {
var pos = this.$container.css('position');
this.$container.css('position', pos === 'static' ? 'relative' : pos);
this.disabled = false;
throttle($.proxy(this.calculate_dimensions, this), 200));
fn.nsEvent = function(ev) {
return (ev || '') + this.ns;
fn.events = function() {
this.pointer_events = {
start: this.nsEvent('touchstart') + ' ' + this.nsEvent('mousedown'),
move: this.nsEvent('touchmove') + ' ' + this.nsEvent('mousemove'),
end: this.nsEvent('touchend') + ' ' + this.nsEvent('mouseup')
$.proxy(this.on_select_start, this));
this.$container.on(this.pointer_events.start, this.options.items,
$.proxy(this.drag_handler, this));
this.$document.on(this.pointer_events.end, $.proxy(function(e) {
this.is_dragging = false;
if (this.disabled) { return; }
if (this.drag_start) {
}, this));
fn.get_actual_pos = function($el) {
return $el.position();
fn.get_mouse_pos = function(e) {
if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches) {
var oe = e.originalEvent;
e = oe.touches.length ? oe.touches[0] : oe.changedTouches[0];
return {
left: e.clientX,
top: e.clientY
fn.get_offset = function(e) {
var mouse_actual_pos = this.get_mouse_pos(e);
var diff_x = Math.round(
mouse_actual_pos.left - this.mouse_init_pos.left);
var diff_y = Math.round(mouse_actual_pos.top - this.mouse_init_pos.top);
var left = Math.round(this.el_init_offset.left +
diff_x - this.baseX +
this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft() -
var top = Math.round(this.el_init_offset.top +
diff_y - this.baseY +
this.$scroll_container.scrollTop() -
if (this.options.limit.width) {
if (left > this.player_max_left) {
left = this.player_max_left;
} else if(left < this.player_min_left) {
left = this.player_min_left;
if (this.options.limit.height) {
if (top > this.player_max_top) {
top = this.player_max_top;
} else if (top < this.player_min_top) {
top = this.player_min_top;
return {
position: {
left: left,
top: top
pointer: {
left: mouse_actual_pos.left,
top: mouse_actual_pos.top,
diff_left: diff_x + (this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft() -
diff_top: diff_y + (this.$scroll_container.scrollTop() -
fn.get_drag_data = function(e) {
var offset = this.get_offset(e);
offset.$player = this.$player;
offset.$helper = this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player;
return offset;
fn.set_limits = function(container_width) {
container_width || (container_width = this.$container.width());
this.player_max_left = (container_width - this.player_width +
this.player_max_top = (this.options.container_height - this.player_height +
this.options.container_width = container_width;
return this;
fn.scroll_in = function(axis, data) {
var dir_prop = dir_map[axis];
var area_size = 50;
var scroll_inc = 30;
var scrollDir = 'scroll' + capitalize(dir_prop);
var is_x = axis === 'x';
var scroller_size = is_x ? this.scroller_width : this.scroller_height;
var doc_size;
if (this.$scroll_container === window){
doc_size = is_x ? this.$scroll_container.width() :
doc_size = is_x ? this.$scroll_container[0].scrollWidth :
var player_size = is_x ? this.$player.width() : this.$player.height();
var next_scroll;
var scroll_offset = this.$scroll_container[scrollDir]();
var min_scroll_pos = scroll_offset;
var max_scroll_pos = min_scroll_pos + scroller_size;
var mouse_next_zone = max_scroll_pos - area_size; // down/right
var mouse_prev_zone = min_scroll_pos + area_size; // up/left
var abs_mouse_pos = min_scroll_pos + data.pointer[dir_prop];
var max_player_pos = (doc_size - scroller_size + player_size);
if (abs_mouse_pos >= mouse_next_zone) {
next_scroll = scroll_offset + scroll_inc;
if (next_scroll < max_player_pos) {
this['scroll_offset_' + axis] += scroll_inc;
if (abs_mouse_pos <= mouse_prev_zone) {
next_scroll = scroll_offset - scroll_inc;
if (next_scroll > 0) {
this['scroll_offset_' + axis] -= scroll_inc;
return this;
fn.manage_scroll = function(data) {
this.scroll_in('x', data);
this.scroll_in('y', data);
fn.calculate_dimensions = function() {
this.scroller_height = this.$scroll_container.height();
this.scroller_width = this.$scroll_container.width();
fn.drag_handler = function(e) {
// skip if drag is disabled, or click was not done with the mouse primary button
if (this.disabled || e.which !== 1 && !isTouch) {
if (this.ignore_drag(e)) {
var self = this;
var first = true;
this.$player = $(e.currentTarget);
this.el_init_pos = this.get_actual_pos(this.$player);
this.mouse_init_pos = this.get_mouse_pos(e);
this.offsetY = this.mouse_init_pos.top - this.el_init_pos.top;
this.$document.on(this.pointer_events.move, function(mme) {
var mouse_actual_pos = self.get_mouse_pos(mme);
var diff_x = Math.abs(
mouse_actual_pos.left - self.mouse_init_pos.left);
var diff_y = Math.abs(
mouse_actual_pos.top - self.mouse_init_pos.top);
if (!(diff_x > self.options.distance ||
diff_y > self.options.distance)
) {
return false;
if (first) {
first = false;
self.on_dragstart.call(self, mme);
return false;
if (self.is_dragging === true) {
self.on_dragmove.call(self, mme);
return false;
if (!isTouch) { return false; }
fn.on_dragstart = function(e) {
if (this.is_dragging) { return this; }
this.drag_start = this.is_dragging = true;
var offset = this.$container.offset();
this.baseX = Math.round(offset.left);
this.baseY = Math.round(offset.top);
if (this.options.helper === 'clone') {
this.$helper = this.$player.clone()
this.helper = true;
} else {
this.helper = false;
this.scroll_container_offset_y = this.$scroll_container.scrollTop();
this.scroll_container_offset_x = this.$scroll_container.scrollLeft();
this.el_init_offset = this.$player.offset();
this.player_width = this.$player.width();
this.player_height = this.$player.height();
if (this.options.start) {
this.options.start.call(this.$player, e, this.get_drag_data(e));
return false;
fn.on_dragmove = function(e) {
var data = this.get_drag_data(e);
this.options.autoscroll && this.manage_scroll(data);
if (this.options.move_element) {
(this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player).css({
'position': 'absolute',
'left' : data.position.left,
'top' : data.position.top
var last_position = this.last_position || data.position;
data.prev_position = last_position;
if (this.options.drag) {
this.options.drag.call(this.$player, e, data);
this.last_position = data.position;
return false;
fn.on_dragstop = function(e) {
var data = this.get_drag_data(e);
this.drag_start = false;
if (this.options.stop) {
this.options.stop.call(this.$player, e, data);
if (this.helper && this.options.remove_helper) {
return false;
fn.on_select_start = function(e) {
if (this.disabled) { return; }
if (this.ignore_drag(e)) {
return false;
fn.enable = function() {
this.disabled = false;
fn.disable = function() {
this.disabled = true;
fn.destroy = function() {
$.removeData(this.$container, 'drag');
fn.ignore_drag = function(event) {
if (this.options.handle) {
return !$(event.target).is(this.options.handle);
if ($.isFunction(this.options.ignore_dragging)) {
return this.options.ignore_dragging(event);
if (this.options.resize) {
return ! $(event.target).is(this.options.items);
return $(event.target).is(this.options.ignore_dragging.join(', '));
//jQuery adapter
$.fn.gridDraggable = function ( options ) {
return new Draggable(this, options);
$.fn.dragg = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, 'drag')) {
$.data(this, 'drag', new Draggable(this, options));
return Draggable;