Draggable Class
Basic drag implementation for DOM elements inside a container. Provide start/stop/drag callbacks.
[options.ignore_dragging] Array of node names that sould not trigger dragging, by default is `['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON']
HTMLElementThe HTMLelement that contains all the widgets to be dragged.
Object optionalAn Object with all options you want to overwrite:
HTMLElement | String optionalDefine who will be the draggable items. Can be a CSS Selector String or a collection of HTMLElements.
Number optionalDistance in pixels after mousedown the mouse must move before dragging should start.
Boolean optionalConstrains dragging to the width of the container
Offset_left optionalOffset added to the item that is being dragged.
Number optionalExecutes a callback when the mouse is moved during the dragging.
Number optionalExecutes a callback when the drag starts.
Number optionalExecutes a callback when the drag stops.
[options.ignore_dragging] Array of node names that sould not trigger dragging, by default is `['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON']
Object | Function`. If a function is used return true to ignore dragging.
Returns el